As vendors ourselves, we use very reliable TCN vending machines. Featured above is the TCN D720-10, with an attached ‘slave’ a.k.a box/locker unit (TCN 40S: 70W, 24v). The latter can stock larger items, fragile products, or anything not suited for the main chiller unit. We do not use, and therefore do not sell, vending machines with elevator arms, touchscreens, etc.
Master / Main chiller unit: 1.94m (height), 1.28m (width), 0.79m (depth)
Slave / locker unit: 1.94m (height), 1.08m (width), 0.34m (depth). Each individual locker’s dimensions: 30cm x 22cm x 11cm (height).
Pricing (accurate as of 16th November 2024 only. Please email or whatsapp us for updated pricing after this date)
Purchase: $5800 (brand new), $3000 to $4200 depending on age/condition (used, subject to availability). Locker $2000: subject to availability, with discounts for existing customers / coachees.
Rental*: $500/mth (brand new), $200/mth to $350/mth depending on age/condition (used, subject to availability). Locker: subject to availability, with discounts for existing customers / coachees.
*Minimum 2-month rental contract. Refundable deposit of 2 months as well. Delivery at a separate charge. We have the right to refuse rental of machines if they will be placed at locations we deem hazardous. **If you’ll be ‘decorating’ the machine, pasting stickers, wrapping it, etc, do consider purchase of machine instead. We do not allow the outlook of rental machines to be changed in any way, to facilitate quick turnover times for the next customer to rent the machine immediately at the end of your lease.
Frequently Asked Questions:
#1: “What about maintenance / servicing?”
We provide FOC training for all our customers. You’ll learn how to care for the machine, how to keep it in tip-top condition, and you won’t have to pay a cent for anyone to come assist with “maintenance”. If there is any damage… see Qn2:
#2: “What happens if machine gets damaged due to buyer/renter’s fault, or if there was vandalism?”
Brand new machines have 1-year warranty to cover all machine faults (if machine breaks down due to no one’s fault). For damage caused by the renter/buyer, or a customer, or a vandal, we do not cover this portion. In most cases, you’ll have to make a police report regarding vandalism, look to your insurer for claims, and you will be billed for all repairs needed. So CCTV coverage is a must-have for most locations.
#3: “If I rent or buy a machine, will you help me do the top-ups whenever stocks run low?”
No, we don’t. It’s extremely tricky because money and/or stocks can go “missing” when topping-up is outsourced. Many vendors face this issue of their OWN staff stealing the money in the machines, taking items for their own consumption or to sell to others, etc. Thus, we do not provide such a service of helping people to do top-ups, and we do not recommend anyone to hire ‘freelancers’ to do this as well.
However, when you rent or buy a machine from us, we’ll head to your location to help you stock the machine for that first round. (You purchase all the stock required, and we are there just to help you place the items into the machine, do test drops to ensure all can be dispensed correctly, input pricing into the system, etc) This is free-of-charge.
#4: “Does the machine rental fee include a cashless reader?”
No, it doesn’t. The cashless reader is rented from another company, and their technician will come down to install it for you. Our machines only come with notes and coins acceptors.
Cashless reader rental typically starts from $20+/mth, inclusive of SIM card. This fee does not include the transaction fees, which you’ll incur each time your customer pays using a cashless option.
#5: “If I rent a machine, what are the things I am not allowed to sell using this vending machine?”
For one, if your products require an SFA licence before they may be sold via vending, and you do not have one, then you cannot sell those items. Examples include fresh juices, ice cream, hot foods, frozen meals, etc.
Other things you are not allowed to sell via our vending machines include cigarettes, alcohol, religious artefacts, and anything deemed unlawful for sale in Singapore (such as chewing gum).
#6: How much lead time must I give you before machine can be configured and deployed?
For peak periods, typically 1 to 2 weeks will be required. If you need the machine urgently, then please let us know and you may be asked to pay a ‘rush fee’ to get to the head of the queue and have your machine deployed first.
If no configuration is required, and machine will be taken as-is, then it can be as fast as 1 to 3 days for deployment.
#7: You provide FREE training for people who rent or buy a machine from you. How is this different from the business coaching which clients pay you for?
When you buy or rent a machine from us, YOU are responsible for finding a location yourself, source for suppliers yourself, and also pay us the monthly rental on time (if you are renting a machine). We will teach you how to operate the machine, and how to care for it (servicing, rectify faults, etc). But we are not concerned about whether your business is profitable or not.
When you pay us for business coaching, we will help IDENTIFY the BEST vending locations NEAR you, get you the landlords’ contact details, and also GIVE you CUSTOMISED Proposal and Contract for you to hand to the landlord and seal the deal. We’ll teach you all the tools of the trade, give you insider tips and advice, and link you up with suppliers so you can get the best deals like we do.
Some people prefer learning things the hard way – they get a machine, they try and find what they think is a good location, and they make mistakes along the way. Others prefer accelerated learning – they want us to impart the wisdom from 6 years of being in this industry, they want to ensure their very first location is a success and not a disaster, and they want to be mentored every step of the way. If you’d like to sign up for coaching, simply send us an email (sgvendingmachine @ gmail.com) or whatsapp us at 87560240 (replies during office hours).
#8: Why should I buy from Avatar Tech instead of some seller online offering me a cheaper vending machine or lower rental fees?
If your only concern is cost, then by all means get a vending machine from any seller or reseller online. Just ensure that they are able to support you with replacement parts, warranty coverage, maintenance help, give you sound advice regarding configuration / pricing / placement, etc. ALSO, here’s a pro tip: Get a machine from someone who ACTUALLY has experience managing machines instead of just selling or renting them out ONLY.
I’ll give you a real-life example: Recently I discovered that a coachee of ours rented a machine from another vendor (he did not wish to name) and I found the configuration of the machine very awkward. Instant noodles (which can definitely survive the drop with no issues, were placed at eye level) WHILE very fizzy drinks like Coca-cola and Sprite were placed right at the top tray. This means customers will be treated to a SODA EXPLOSION once their drink is dispensed and they take the cap off immediately. (@_@) The person renting him the machine likely did not have the necessary experience in order to advise on placement of products selected. So… pick your vendor wisely. Or, don’t. You’ll learn from experience, the hard way. XD
#9: Can I place the rental machine somewhere with exposure to the sun and rain?
For rentals, NO, you may not. Our rental units MUST be kept indoors, with shelter from sun, rain and water seepage. Otherwise, you will be billed for any/all damages.
If you are BUYING a machine, then there are no restrictions from us. Place your machine at any spot you want (i.e. have gotten approval for).